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National Development and Reform Commission, "military +" research group to the investigation of the

  In October 21st, the national development and Reform Commission and the national defense economic coordinated development division deputy director Xu Jianping and other leaders of the national development and Reform Commission composed of "military +" research group to the Pacific Research, deputy director of Hunan provincial development and Reform Commission Wu Yazhong, the real office director He Zuqing, Deputy Secretary of Xiangtan Municipal Committee, mayor Tan Wensheng, municipal committee, vice mayor Yang Zhenping, Xiangtan Economic Development Zone Party committee secretary Sun Yinsheng and other leaders accompanied by research group, CEO Tan wave, President Li Hansheng, Chen Mingjie You Zhiyuan, senior vice president and Hospitality Research delegation.
  The research group visited the focus of our modern joint workshop, intelligent robot production line, product assembly debugging, Ping two intelligent manufacturing production base, and the Pacific countries follow "The Belt and Road", "Yangtze River Economic Zone and Beijing Tianjin Hebei coordinated development" three strategic development ideas expressed approval.
  In the ensuing forum, Tan wave representative group welcomed the arrival of the research group, You Zhiyuan reported to the research team of the basic situation of the group and the development of military and civilian integration. You Zhiyuan said, in order to go on the road of military and civilian integration development better, more stable, need to fully grasp the accuracy of the channels and markets, hoping to get the relevant support of the country, find the path to enter the market.
  "I am excited to see the private enterprise with vitality and dream. You are an important force for national innovation, development and integration of military and civilian development." Xu Jianping highly affirmed the development of the pacific. He said that civil military integration has risen to the national strategy, the purpose of this research is to focus on the development of "military +", to explore more private enterprises with military qualifications, to create more civil military integration boutique project.
  "We believe that the Pacific has very broad space for development, also welcomed the Pacific more involved in military and civilian integration to get rid of, we are willing to help its mechanism and system obstacles, to create a more forward-looking strategic platform, make more military and civilian integration related services for the pacific." Xu Jianping said.
  At the end of the forum, Xiangtan municipal government consultant Xia Guohua said: "Xiangtan will combine the national strategy and Xiangtan advantages, to help the quality of such enterprises to promote military + technology, project, talent, industry, science and technology, to create high-quality Xiangtan military platform!"

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