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Hunan Bluesky Robot Technology Co.,ltd

  With more than 10 years of experience, Bluesky Robot is trusted by billions of people around China and backed by the largest network services in the industry. And in 2016, we got a top high sale about 100,000,000RMB and the past 5 years we have about 20% increase yearly on the sale.
  Hunan Bluesky Robot Co., Ltd was established in 2007, with manufacturing base located in Changsha, Hunan Province with a landing area of 33000 square meters. There are 40 professional R&D engineers, 140 skilled operators, specializing in development, manufacture and operation. As well right now it is registered in the rank of advanced technology companies of Hunan Province, focusing on the following Products Series:Robot Integration System, Power - Assist Manipulator, Customized Fixtures/Jigs
  Industrial Fume and Dust Cleaning System

+86-731 8465 0818
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